[Poll] What topic should I write about?
Let's collaborate...Your input is essential for a Notes Challenge I'm working on.
Not the usual Friday Find this week.
I’m working on a project with paid subscribers and I need your help.
I haven’t quite nailed down a specific topic yet and could use some feedback.
Which of these topics appeals to you most? There’s an overlap with the content in Your Visibility Edge, which is to be expected.
I am also open to other ideas, so please share them in the comment thread below.
As outlined in
’s Recipe, I intend to write notes (almost daily) to flesh out the topic during the month before transforming the collection of Notes into some type of publication.If you’re a paid subscriber at any level, the daily prompts are posted in the YVE chat room and all are welcome to join this informal challenge (as much or as little as you want).
Thanks in advance for your input on the poll!