The result of the recent poll I posted about how well you think you know your target audience was more positive than I expected.
55% said, “Pretty well, but some gaps”
18% selected “Very well”
And 9% each for “Somewhat, but need more detail,” “still figuring it out,” and “no clear understanding yet.”
If you fall into the 55% or the 9% range, what do you think those gaps are, or what insights do you feel you lack?
Having that information will help me craft visibility-related tips and tactics to help you get the information you need.
So here’s another poll…
Your input will give me direction. I could take many paths, and it would be better to go where YOU want to go so you get the information you want and need. 😎
The poll is open for 3 days.
If you have questions or comments about the poll, please ask in the comments.
Remember, the more you know about your audience, the better you can target your marketing campaigns and content.
Denise you’re doing a great job with this. I’d love to know more about analyzing your current audience especially buyers :-)
Thanks for your responses! My next article is focusing on how to discover your audience's pain points!
Other topics in the poll will be address in future article.
Publishing on Wednesday!